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Linkolnšīras Maternity Voices Partnership ir grupa, kuru NHS lūdz uzklausīt, lai pakalpojumi varētu būt vislabākie jums, jūsu ģimenei un draugiem. Jūs varat dalīties ar mums savā pieredzē anonīmi un būt tik atklātam un godīgam, cik nepieciešams.

image showing a sleeping baby being cradled by a woman while a man looks on.
image showing two men embracing with their son between them

Jums ir nozīme, un mēs nevaram zināt, kas ir vai nedarbojas ar jūsu aprūpi, ja esat grūtniece vai jums ir jauna ģimene. Lūdzu, aizpildiet šoātra aptauja kas mums parādīs, ko svinēt, vai strādāt un palīdzēt uzlabot.

  • How did you/your partner find the services when you were expecting a baby?

  • What was your experience like in hospital?

  • How about after your baby arrived and the support given to you and your young family?

We would love to hear all about your maternity journey - what worked well or not so well?

Click the button to complete a survey

All responses are anonymous but really make a difference in helping to shape the maternity services in Lincolnshire.

Sazinies ar mums

Volunteer with us and help to make a real

Contact us for more information.

Šī vietne ir Linkolnšīras NHS Maternity & Jaundzimušo programmas komanda sadarbībā ar Linkolnšīras Maternity & Jaundzimušo sistēma, ieskaitot;

Linkolnšīras apgabala padomes logotips
Lincolnshire Maternity and Neonatal voices logo
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

© 2023 Better Births. Darbojas un nodrošinaWix

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