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Îngrijire în timpul sarcinii


Please note, this page and most of the resources linked reference "breasts" ,  "breastfeeding" , "breastmilk" , "mother", etc. We understand that these terms are not preferred by all individuals.  If needed, please inform the professionals looking after you of your preferred terms.

Feeding your baby might feel overwhelming at first but there is information and support available for you.  This page provides a host of information regarding infant feeding.  If you are looking at where you can get support on your feeding journey head over to our feeding support page using the icon or link below.


Breastmilk and breastfeeding

Having gestational diabetes means you are ten times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes

Other milks


Introducing solids


Who to contact for support

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Did you know...

There are many sources of support available to you to help with feeding your baby


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Did you know...

There's no time limit for your baby to learn to latch. Some babies need a little more time but you can express your milk for them until they are ready.

Other milk

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Did you know...

Breastfeeding reduces your baby's risk of many illnesses including infections. It also reduces your risk of illness including breast and ovarian cancers and Type 2 diabetes.

Introducing solids

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Did you know...

Comforting and responding to your baby releases hormones which stimulates your baby's brain development

Acest site este de la Lincolnshire NHS Maternity & Echipa programului neonatal în parteneriat cu Lincolnshire Maternity & Sistemul neonatal, inclusiv;

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Sigla NHS United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust

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