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Your baby

As a new parent you’re bound to have questions on everything from getting breastfeeding started, to washing and bathing your baby and changing their nappy.


Your midwife or health visitor will be able to help you with all of these aspects of being a parent. The NHS website also offers a lot of help and advice.

Who to contact for support

The community midwifery team will visit you at home after your baby is born, usually until your baby is 10 days old.

Having gestational diabetes means you are ten times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes

A health visitor is a qualified nurse trained to help you, your family and new baby stay healthy.  A health visitor will visit you at home usually 10 days after your baby is born.

Talk to the health visiting team about any concerns you have, they can give you advice and suggest where to find help. 

Your GP surgery can also support you with any concerns you have for your baby.  The link above will take you to the NHS website with information about how to care for your newborn.

Your baby will be offered vaccinations and development checks beginning shortly after birth.  




Newborn illnesses and knowing your baby is unwell

Testicular torsion 

Give your feedback

The Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership would love to hear your feedback about Lincolnshire maternity and neonatal services.  You can also volunteer and help shape services for future families.

This website is by the Lincolnshire NHS Maternity & Neonatal Programme Team in partnership with the Lincolnshire Maternity & Neonatal System, including;

Lincolnshire Maternity and Neonatal voices logo
Start for life logo
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

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